Page 3 - Copy of MNS Strategic Business Plan (Digital Version)
P. 3


      Notwithstanding  this,  the  Ministry  continues  steadfast  and  strategic  in
      implementing key policies, projects, programs, and administrative services, that

      support  achieving  the  organizational  goals,  while  ensuring  operational
      efficiency across the national security architecture.

      In  addition  to  reliable  mobility  and  quality  communications  which  are
      fundamental  to  effective  policing,  the  agencies  of  national  security,  and  in
      particular  the  Jamaica  Constabulary  Force,  are  being  provided  with  modern

      tools to combat and apprehend perpetrators of crime. These include:

           a new suite of automated Station Management Systems and an Electronic
           Jail Management System;

           additional cameras to facilitate the expansion of the JamaicaEye National
           CCTV Surveillance Programme;

           upgraded and increased DNA and ballistics analytical capabilities in order
           to fight crime with science;
           an electronic Traffic Ticketing Management System (TTMS) to support the

           work of restoring good order on our roadways;
           a  fleet  of  fit-for-purpose  police  vehicles  that  are  retrofitted  with  the  JCF

           Smart Check System to assist officers on patrol to access critical database to
           inform quick and decisive actions;

           strengthened police telecommunications infrastructure;
           upgraded  police  training  facilities  with  instructors  who  are  certified  in

           modern policing techniques;
           ISO  9001  certification  and  implementation  of  international  quality
           management standards across police facilities.

           establishment  of  JCF  Domestic  Violence  Intervention  Centres  and  the
           training and sensitization of police officers in domestic abuse and intimate

           partner violence related matters.

      As our line agencies work to combat criminal violence and strengthen citizen
      security  within  Jamaica’s  current  and  medium-term  context,  the  Ministry  has

      adopted  a  holistic  and  integrated  strategy  that  prioritizes  the  reorganization
      and modernization of the Jamaica Constabulary Force, the elaboration of robust

      and relevant legislation, the utilization and incorporation of technology across
      all the agencies of national security, and the repositioning of social investment
      as an all-of-government priority.

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